Rabu, 21 Maret 2012

Tips Increase Your Appetite

Tips Increase Your Appetite - Lack of appetite are common in children as a result of dietary changes. But some diseases can also affect the reduction in appetite as hepatitis, fever and throat infection.

Other factors that cause decreased appetite due to consumption of certain drugs and hormonal changes due to the menstrual cycle. Those who enter old age may also experience this due to reduced physical activity and body hormones.

On the other hand, loss of appetite can be caused by inadequate intake of certain nutrients. Zinc deficiency, for example, can reduce the sense of taste and smell. Similarly, potassium deficiency and magensium.

To overcome the lack of appetite in children / adults, this blog will give you health tips traditional medicine to increase appetite.


Ginger rhizome (30 grams)
Palm sugar (1 teaspoon)
Water (3 tablespoons)

Grate the ginger rhizome until smooth, then add 3 tablespoons of water. Squeeze and strain the mixture. Add palm sugar in the juice and drink as well. Perform this treatment 3 times a day.


Wild Ginger

Scientific name:
Curcuma xanthorrhiza

Local name:
Java: Wild Ginger
Sunda: Koneng Gede
Madura: Temulabak

Ginger plants including herbaceous species are rod-shaped pseudo-stem tree and can reach 2 meters in height. The leaves are wide and on each blade is connected to the sheath and petiole rather long. Ginger has a unique-shaped flowers (clustered) and dark yellow.

Chemical content:
Pulp (rhizome) of ginger have some content of chemical compounds which include fellandrean and turmerol or often called the oil evaporates. Then essential oils, camphor, glucoside, foluymetik carbinol. And curcumin found in the rhizome of this plant is useful as acnevulgaris, as well as anti-inflammatory (anti inflammatory) and anti hepototoksik (anti toxic bile).

Good tips / ways / drugs increase appetite above can be useful for you!

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