Kamis, 01 Maret 2012

Problem Google Maps API key not working

Problem Google Maps API key not working - I'm having a problem with getting my Google Maps API key to work. I originally had the problem when trying to access http://dev.domain.com using a key generated for http://domain.com, however I subsequently tried generating a key for http://dev.domain.com and it still didn't work.

I get the typical This web site needs a different Google Maps API key. A new key can be generated at http://code.google.com/apis/maps/. alert message when trying the site. Checking their FAQ and following it's instructions to

alert(window.location.host) to check the domain returns dev.domain.com which looks correct (unless it's meant to have http:// at the start? In which case I don't see how I've done something wrong).

Both keys (dev.domain.com and domain.com) work correctly on localhost.

Does anyone have any ideas on what I can do to solve this or any further tests I can do to work it out ?

for Solve Problem of Google Maps API key not working, Click Here

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