Selasa, 20 Maret 2012

How To Overcome Premature Ejaculation

How To Overcome Premature Ejaculation - How to Overcome Premature Ejaculation. Yes, this blog will discuss health tips on men's health, to be precise about tips to overcome premature ejaculation (EDI). Previously I've also discussed how to treat premature ejaculation with Kegel exercises (read here).

Prior to the discussion on how to easily overcome premature ejaculation, we first discuss the causes of premature ejaculation. Some causes of rapid ejaculation terlau due to mental disorders such as prolonged stress, anxiety, lack of functioning of serotonin, and habits to get it over during sexual intercourse, causing the sperm come out earlier than it should.
Well, once you know the causes of premature ejaculation, it's time to treat premature ejaculation. Following the traditional medicine to overcome premature ejaculation:

  • Basil leaves (to taste)
  • Water (to taste)

There are two ways of premature ejaculation drug use, the first by boiling the leaves of basil and drink the result of the cooking, or by eating vegetables directly as a basil leaf.

How do I treat ejaculation? Practical is not it? The premature ejaculation drug may be useful for men who experience premature ejaculation problems.

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