Rabu, 21 Maret 2012

In the Heat Treating Tips

In the Heat Treating Tips - Heat In (Misnomer) is the heat that strikes the lower esophagus, which then causes pain, chapped lips, red eyes, fever, and the tongue tastes bitter.

The heat that comes in would be very annoying, especially during fasting as it is now usually eat all kinds of fast-breaking time.

The cause of heartburn is usually due to eating too fast, too much consumption of meat, chocolate, onions, coffee, alcoholic beverages and smoking.

For how to treat heartburn, in addition to avoiding triggers-triggers, some of the tips below can try to cope with the heat.

Keep your weight. Body is too fat, or in women who are pregnant, upper stomach upward through the diaphragm.
Reduce consumption of meat.
Drink a glass of milk: in this way may help further. Milk acts as a protective agent, but the milk is not as effective effective than antacids.
To protect you in neutralizing stomach acid, take 1 to 2 teaspoons of liquid antacids such as anti-absorption magnesium hyLinkdroxide every 1 to 2 hours.

You also can try traditional medicine to cope with the heat in the following:
leaves Prasman

Leaves Prasman / King arrows (to taste)
Water (to taste)

Prasman leaves brewed with hot water, then filtered. 3x a day drink the potion.

Hopefully the heat in the above drugs can be useful for you!

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