Rabu, 18 April 2012

Saliva Test for Oral Cancer Detection

Saliva Test for Oral Cancer Detection - Oral cancer is less well known. This raises the concern of some scientists in the United States because many patients are unaware of the symptoms but the next thing I knew died of it.

A surgeon at Michigan State University, Barry Wenig also pioneered the development of a saliva test by using a simple and inexpensive for the early detection of oral cancer.

Wenig is also a professor at the College of Human Medicine's Department of Surgery and the leader of this project in cooperation with Delta Dental of Michigan's Research and Data Institute to compile the data and recruit dental professionals that will assist in experiments conducted Wenig and his team.

The study will enroll 100-200 patients who have lesions (abnormal tissue) and white or a network that grows in the mouth and the tonsils to be tested as part of a clinical trial.

In this trial will Wenig and his team will look for biomarkers or specific biological markers that were previously identified by researchers at UCLA. This is to confirm the biomarkers of oral cancer.

By creating a test with a simple saliva and is able to identify the presence of biomarkers, physicians and dentists can find out which patients need treatment and which patients can avoid a biopsy (a test that involves the removal of cells or tissue for examination) unnecessary invasive.

"Most of the benign lesionnya that the majority of sufferers are actually even get unnecessary biopsies," Wenig said as quoted by Medindia on Wednesday (18/04/2012).

"Instead, a simple test will allow us to identify patients with malignant lesions and encourage patients to get treatment more quickly," he said.

Oral cancer has a low survival rate because of the slow early detection. Wenig was saying: Only 60 percent of patients who live more than five years after diagnosis. Even among black men, their survival rate is less than 38 percent.

"The main challenge for reducing mortality and morbidity of oral cancer is to develop strategies for the identification and detection of the disease while still at a very early stage," he said.

In addition to Delta Dental's Research and Data Institute to monitor the progress of this project, Wenig also collaborated with PeriRX, Pennsylvania-based company that will sponsor this experiment with the FDA.

"Our test is non-invasive because the patient just needs to spit in a cup. Ease of this test will also expand our ability to effectively scan for cancer lesions," Wenig said.

Wenig noted, "Now there is no early scan to detect the majority of cancers that occur in the head and neck so that this test could be a tremendous improvement."

In addition, this test has the potential to save health care costs because the number of biopsy can be reduced, he added.

Do not exercise with empty stomach

Do not exercise with empty stomach - Many people who deliberately exercising on an empty stomach because it thinks it can burn more fat. Unfortunately, exercising on an empty stomach can actually harm the body. So, avoid exercising on an empty stomach.

Some people believe the theory that exercising on an empty stomach will make the body use fat stores to be converted into energy instead of glucose or carbohydrates that may be available from food or beverages are consumed before exercise.

Yet another says the study. A new finding suggests that exercising on an empty stomach does not offer any benefit and may actually work against your body.

According to a recent report published this year in a fitness journal in the U.S., has determined that the body burns the same amount of fat, regardless if you eat before or after exercise, as reported by timesofindia, Thursday (19/04/2012).

But the problem arises in the fact that you will lose muscle mass when exercising in a state of starvation. The study also found that no food to help the exercise, the intensity of exercise and total calorie burning may be deductible.

Thus, exercise with perutkosong not only makes you tired and weak, but reduced muscle and no energy to burn more fat.

The study also found that when people eat lightly before the exercise portion, about 10 percent of the calories burned come from protein, including muscle.

And from previous studies, researchers have found that eating a portion of light before the sport will benefit. People who consume 45 grams of carbohydrates prior to exercise would end up eating less throughout the day.

Now many experts are advised to eat light portions such as wheat or even a milkshake before exercise. It will get more benefit from time spent in the gym. For people who want to increase muscle, are strongly encouraged to exercise by eating eggs or milkshake first.

Haze Pollution More Deadly than Vehicle Accident

Haze Pollution More Deadly than Vehicle Accident - In many countries, traffic accidents claimed the lives of many. But the number is not much when compared with mortality from air pollution, most of which comes from vehicle fumes on the highway.

At least, this is revealed in a recent study at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. According to research published in the journal Environmental Science and Technology, deaths from air pollution 2 times more than the accident victim.

In Europe alone, there are an estimated 5,000 people each year die prematurely from lung cancer and heart disease are both triggered by air pollution. Pollution from aircraft exhaust adds another death rates are as many as 2,000 deaths each year.

Not to mention the exhaust from smokestacks at factories. If totaled from all sources of pollution, then the number of deaths triggered by air pollution throughout Europe can be reached 19,000 cases each year.

This figure is in stark contrast when compared with the data of death from traffic accidents in Europe throughout 2010. Data released by the relevant authorities say, the death rate from traffic accidents in that period only 1850 cases.

"It appears that air pollution from road traffic causes more deaths than the number of deaths from accidents that occurred on the highway," said Dr. Steven Barrett who memimpihn this study as quoted by the Telegraph, Thursday (19/04/2012).

High number of deaths from air pollution is often ignored because its effects are not always appear immediately. Deaths from pollution occur after the toxins that accumulate in the body, while deaths due to accidents can happen at that time also making it more visible.

Selasa, 17 April 2012

Morning Exercise More Effective If Do Before Breakfast

Morning Exercise More Effective If Do Before Breakfast - Many people feel if it was not exercising in the morning. Though the morning is the most ideal time for exercise. Walk or bike ride before breakfast, show good results. It is based on the results of a study published in The Journal of Physiology.

In that study, the researchers involves an active and healthy men aged 28 years. The study participants had a daily diet of bad, which is composed of 50 percent fat and 30 percent more calories. Most of the research participants did not exercise during the study.

While the other study participants during the research exercise. Some participants exercising 4 times a week outside in the morning, such as walking and cycling to severe intensity. All exercises are supervised, so that the energy expenditure of both groups was similar.

One group ate a diet rich in carbohydrate at breakfast before exercising and continue to have carbs. The second group exercise without breakfast first and only drink water during exercise. The study lasted for 6 weeks.

Group who did not exercise the average weight has increased more than 6 kg and also develop insulin resistance. Muscles of the participants in the group no longer respond properly to insulin and do not attract excess sugar or glucose from the bloodstream efficiently and have begun to store excess fat in the muscle cells.

Insulin resistance and excess fat deposits in the muscle cells are metabolically unhealthy condition and is a precursor to diabetes. People who eat breakfast before heavy exercise also increased body weight, although not as much in the first group.

The participants in the group have also become more resistant to insulin and which store large amounts of excess fat in the muscle. Only group that showed exercise before breakfast enhancement the least weight and almost did not show signs of insulin resistance.

The results showed that, in a state not to eat sport is more effective than exercise after eating carbohydrates. Do oalhraga morning without breakfast also help men avoid weight gain.

"In this study, only the group who exercised without breakfast showed a favorable metabolic adaptation, which in turn may enhance oxidative fatty acid levels," said Peter Hespel, Ph.D., a professor of Research Center for Exercise and Health at Catholic University Leuven, Belgium as reported from TheNewYorkTimes, Thursday (01/03/2012).

However, researchers have not been able to conclude whether the same benefit will increase if you exercise at a more leisurely pace and in shorter time. So that further research will be needed to get the benefits of exercise are better.

Senin, 16 April 2012

Thermometer Stuck In The lungs Women Over 44 Years

Thermometer Stuck In The lungs Women Over 44 Years - A woman in China has been living with a thermometer stuck in his lungs for 44 years. Miraculously, she did not feel anything even though the complaints of foreign objects that have been long in the body.

At the doctor in the People's Liberation Army No.. 535 Hospital in Huaihuadi, Hunan province, China, found the medical device worn along the 5 cm in the left lung of a woman during a routine examination.

Physicians can not recognize the medical device, but be identified woman named Liu said that it was a thermometer accidentally swallowed when he was 12 years old.

"He said when he was 12 years old has a fever. Family put a thermometer in his mouth to take his temperature, but instead swallowed a thermometer," said Yang Qihong, Liu neighbor, as reported by China Central Television (CCTV), Thursday (1/3/2012 ).

After swallowing the thermometer, the family who came from poor families can not afford the medical treatment needed to remove the thermometer. He was also not taken to the hospital.

According to Liu, the medical device remains in the lungs Liu for 44 years, but did not cause any complaints to date.

Doctors say if the thermometer is allowed to be in Liu's body, one day it will break and the mercury or mercury in the thermometer can cause serious damage to the health of Liu. Therefore, treatment is expected to be done to solve this problem Liu.

Minggu, 15 April 2012

It's easy to patch cavities than to Prevent

It's easy to patch cavities than to Prevent - Since many years ago, the emphasis in medical education and a lot of dentistry focused on healing and treatment of disease. In fact, it would be much more effective and efficient if done before the emergence of disease prevention.

"Since a few years ago, recognizes (Indonesian Dentist Association) have agreed to focus its attention on the prevention of tooth decay '" said Drg. Zaura Anggraeni, MDS, Chairman recognizes the signing ceremony of Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between Pepsodent and recognizes, on Thursday (1/3/3012).

Cavities and bleeding gums caused by bacteria, foods that are sweet and sticky, dental hygiene oral, and all closely related to lifestyle.

The proof, in developed countries there is a change patterns of eating a diet that is more modern. One of them is consuming a lot of processed products such as bread karbohidat more tender. It will lead to tooth decay because the rest of the food will be more easily attached to the teeth.

Economic conditions also led to growing sweet foods like candy, chocolate, cakes and sticky sweet yag increasingly easy to obtain the public.

"If you address them after the hole, then there will be endless due to lifestyle causes of tooth decay is not stopped," said the dentist who is familiarly called Dr. Zaura this.

Germs on the teeth will ferment the sugary foods and produce acids. Acid with a pH (acidity) is very low, below 5.5, it can dissolve tooth enamel. Email is the hardest part of the body. If email is dissolved, then there was a hole in the tooth.

In addition, too many new people visit the dentist after a tooth cavity. In fact, the process of erosion of dental enamel on the teeth until the advent of the hole requires a long time, from 6 to 24 months. Thus, Dr. Zaura urge the community to control early tooth decay before it is too late.

To realize this, PDGI has been trying to make a wide range of programs to promote the prevention of cavities such as brushing your teeth in warning troop dental health month, have appealed to primary school and health clinic, even a program built to instill the importance of primary dental hygiene from an early age.

Sabtu, 14 April 2012

Prediction faces 10 years if Unhealthy Lifestyle

Prediction faces 10 years if Unhealthy Lifestyle - Unhealthy lifestyle more associated with the risk of deadly diseases, like diabetes and heart attacks. Though the impact of smoking, junk food and the like can also ruin the appearance of particular trigger changes in the shape of the face.

With the help of doctors and forensic artist, a female journalist in the UK, Anna Magee (44 years) to make predictions in the face of the next 10 years if every day running of an unhealthy lifestyle. Magee also made his prediction in the future if you run a healthy lifestyle.

Magee face shape prediction in the next 10 years she lived a lifestyle based on the following, as quoted from Dailymail, Thursday (03/01/2012).

Suck a pack of cigarettes per day

Characteristic of a smoker's face was wrinkled lines that firm as dry and dehydrated skin. Teeth are not white anymore but stained, while the eyelids and cheeks would began to relax so that it looks 10 years older.

Drinking two glasses of red wine each evening beverages

Excessive alcohol consumption can cause blood vessels in the face of wider, making skin look red. That month alone, the skin will also become dehydrated and wrinkles begin to form due to loss of elasticity.

Eating junk food every day

Sugar and simple carbohydrates in excessive junk food causes fat face look like a bloated and pale. Acne is also easier to grow, then the skin will quickly sag because of too many layers of fat.

Without alcohol, cigarettes and junk food

Although not consume alcohol, cigarettes and junk food, the face will remain unchanged because the effects of aging can not be avoided. However, the effects of aging that occurs naturally of course much better seen than to see his face damaged by unhealthy lifestyles.