Minggu, 08 April 2012

3 Things It Can Increase Risk of Kidney Stones

3 Things It Can Increase Risk of Kidney Stones - Kidney stones are a condition that can be experienced by anyone. The experts said there are three things that can increase the risk of kidney stones is less calcium, less drinking and too much salt.

People who are prone to kidney stones are usually required to increase fluid intake so it can help dilute the substances that can cause stones. Reducing salt can help because of too much sodium will increase levels of calcium in the urine.

People used to think of reducing the calcium can help. But studies in recent years suggest the consumption of dairy products can actually protect against stone formation, but in this case the use of calcium supplements is not recommended.

Kidney stones develop when urine that is produced contains more crystal-forming substances such as calcium, uric acid and a compound called oxalate than the available fluid.

The latest findings, reported in the Journal of Urology revealed that it is better if everyone knows calcium intake is adequate or not, especially those from food.

"When people have kidney stones, many of them are thought to reduce the intake of calcium. This suggestion is good but you should still consume dairy intake as usual. And if taking calcium supplements, you should ask your doctor whether to stop," said Dr. Mathew Sorensen, urologists from the University of Washington School of Medicine in Seattle, as quoted by FoxNews on Monday (02/04/2012).

The study, involving 78 293 U.S. women was observed for 8 years. Found women who consume calcium from dairy products over the possibility of early kidney stone 28 percent less, women who drink consumption has enough 20 percent lower risk.

Whereas women with a high salt diet risk 61 percent more likely to develop kidney stones. Biggest source of sodium comes from fast food, processed meat and canned food.

Dr. Sorensen said that people who are prone to kidney stones should be careful with calcium supplements. If he needs calcium to protect bones were then obtained from Dr. Sorensen recommended foods, thereby reducing the effect of calcium on stone formation.

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