Kamis, 08 Maret 2012

How To Correct Condom Use

How To Correct Condom Use - Condoms are contraceptives and prevention of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) which attracted many people here. In addition to the cheap price, the condom is also easy to obtain.

Because the primary function of condoms and contraceptives is a tool for preventing transmission of venereal diseases, it is necessary to note the correct way to wear a condom.

Tips for Choosing a Condom
Prior to use, choose a condom that fits you best, according to the following criteria:

Choose condoms that fit the size of your penis. The right size is important for comfort during lovemaking and of course the effectiveness of the condom itself.

-Try Brands
Try different brands and types of condoms to find which one is more comfortable and appropriate for you and your partner. Although it looks the same, but each condom has a material, a different texture and comfort.

How To Use Condoms
After finding condoms that fit, it is time you use a condom. Here are the steps:

- Open the condom wrapper slowly. Torn at the edges. Do not tear the condom wrapper in the middle, because it can damage the condom was inside.

- Use a condom when erection is slowly filled by rolling it up to the base of the penis.

- If the condom does not have a reservoir chamber, about one centimeter in order to pull the semen deposited there. Avoid inclusion of air in the empty area, so as not to damage the condom.

- After ejaculation, remove the condom immediately before your penis limp. Hold the base of the condom with your fingers, to prevent sperm spill or leak.

- Do not haphazardly throw the used condom, to avoid sexually transmitted diseases.

That means choosing and using a condom is good and right to health tips blog writing and summarized from various sources. Tips'nya hopefully useful for you and your pairs.

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