Kamis, 22 Maret 2012

9 Signs Containing Twins

9 Signs Containing Twins - Twins? Wow, amazing! What the hell, the signs if we are pregnant with twins?

A. Will usually be felt from the beginning that you are carrying more than one baby. Do not ignore the feelings of the heart or intuition. Many mothers of twins said they had learned early on that they contain more than one baby.

2. Generally, if a woman has signs contain as headache, stomach obstruction / not feeling comfortable, even throwing up in the morning. But if it contains more than one baby, you will suffer more generally, that in the morning until night. Even during the day.

3.Gejala pregnancy more pronounced and is considered exaggerated.
Many of the expectant mother of twins who said they felt more uncomfortable, vomiting, excessive nausea and very tired. Anyway, the symptoms of pregnancy is "great" thus often considered far-fetched by the people around.

In fact, all of it due to the extra hormones circulating in the body. Breasts are very sensitive, more frequent urination, feeling hungry all day, and feel very tired. When content from 6 months of age, may be having trouble breathing, stomach feels very heavy, swelling in the hand is also in the legs, weight gain very much (not normal), very large stomach, and fetal move exaggerated. Generally makes a mother of twins was suffering from anemia or low iron levels of the substance.

4. Rapid weight gain in the first three months of pregnancy. The increase is higher than the average weight of the babies of pregnant women. These symptoms may be cited as the first sign of containing more than one baby. If a good appetite, then there is no problem, because good nutrition is necessary fetus in the first three months of pregnancy.

5. The size of the womb to age. On first inspection, it can be said that the stomach is greater than the age of the womb. Doctors say you are 8 weeks pregnant (counting from the last menstrual period), but when seen with the naked eye, big belly / womb as gestational age of 10-12 weeks.

If things like this, it is usually advisable to check with ultrasound to see how the fetus in the womb. If it contains more than one baby, the size of the content will continue to grow larger. Containing a baby's mother can reach 38-40 cm of height, starting from the pubic bone, whereas for twins can reach 48 cm.

6. The doctor said the AFP is high. AFP is a protein released alpha fetoprotein infant at the time of growth and is also present in maternal blood. These proteins can be high because more than one baby. Normal AFP blood test performed 16-18 weeks after last menstrual period. This test is often used to identify multiple pregnancies or not.

7. The doctor said the levels of HCG (Human Chorionic gonadotrophin) rose very quickly. HCG is a hormone that produces a fertilized egg. This hormone is needed to maintain the pregnancy until the placenta develops. The hormone can be detected in the blood or urine even before you stop menstruating.

In normal pregnancy (one baby), the blood concentration of HCG rise rapidly in the first weeks of pregnancy, doubling every 2 or 3 days. HCG levels may be higher in the presence of twins.

8.Dari means "listener", detected two heart beats. Two heart rate can be distinguished with a special tool that is used the doctor after about 12 weeks of pregnancy. Approximately 28 weeks, was able to distinguish if there are two fetuses.

9.Dengan using ultrasound, multiple pregnancy can be ascertained. This tool will show / demonstrate the existence of two gestational sacs, two fetuses, and two heart rate that can be seen 6 weeks after the first day of the menstrual period ends. Even twins can be diagnosed much more quickly, about 1-5 weeks after stop getting your period.

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