Selasa, 10 Januari 2012

Vaginal Odor Smells: Just How Private is Your Privates

Vaginal Odor Smells: Just How Private is Your Privates - Why do women worry over vaginal odor when it is a natural function of the body that every female suffers from, however, what type of odor is another matter. The normal smell from the vagina is never normally smelt by others; of course this will depend on how strong the odor is. The good news is - there are treatments to help prevent vaginal odour reaching this point (stronger) where the smell causes embarrassment.If you have already reached this point and find the vaginal odor is not disappearing after washing then there may be a perfectly simple explanation; other causes for an offensive smell can be due to infection. Vaginal odour can change if the balance of bacteria present in the vagina changes. The most common cause is an imbalance known as bacterial vaginosis which is caused by excessive bacteria in the vagina. When bacteria amass it can cause symptoms such as a discharge or odour to rise. One such bacterium is Gardnerella vaginalis. Concerned young girls reaching puberty ask, what is vaginitis? Vaginitis denotes to the symptoms formed when the normal vaginal housing becomes unbalanced. The female vagina is not a sterile environment, hosting normal bacteria and organisms, including lactobacilli that allow the vagina to maintain a slightly acidic balance. What is the difference between a normal and an abnormal vaginal discharge, well more often than not - normal discharge excreted from a healthy vagina is usually clear and non-odorous, however this can change at the time of menstruation. If an infection is present then this can cause an unpleasant vaginal odour.A common infection that affects the vagina is vaginal thrush; this condition is called yeast infection or candidiasis which is an overgrowth of yeast that leads to a range of unpleasant and discomforting symptoms for the patient, i.e. itching and inflammation (soreness) around the vagina. Some women after diagnosis and treatment to cure the infection have suffered repeat episodes, where the vaginal thrush has returned.Thrush is caused by yeast already located in the body which grows out of control.

This yeast is almost always Candida albicans, but another, more resistant yeast, Candida glabrata, can also lead to thrush.Men women and children can carry yeast in and on their bodies but somehow seem to avoid having problems because of its presence. Yeast can normally be found in the intestines, vagina, mouth and skin, where a 'friendly' bacterium helps to keep yeast levels low. However if this balance is disturbed and the yeast is permitted to further develop without treatment it can worsen the condition.Remember ladies that it is perfectly normal to have a vaginal odor. During puberty the vaginal area secretes more sweat and tends to be more moist which can cause the vagina to become smelly? Word of mouth treatments to remedy your condition is not recommended because, what may work for one patient may not for another. More importantly have your doctor determine the health issue in case you are treating something other than what you believe you are suffering from because; this can prove to be a serious health risk. To help rid vaginal odor cleanse with a mild soap and warm water daily. To help minimise sweating in and around the vaginal area avoid wearing tight clothing, wear cotton knickers to allow the body to breath.Bear in mind if your vaginal odour is not caused through infection then the smell most often than not is only detected by you - so don't fret over what is normal in a woman. You should be more concerned with having bad breath because; this is an odour coming from a part of the body where people do get up close.

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