Kamis, 26 Januari 2012


GOOD MEN, WOMEN DISLIKE - Not always a good guy turns it on like a girl, according to various sources that have managed to gather a team Faktacowok good guys tend not to make them last a long time partner

would you ever feel bored and tired with your partner while your partner is the type of guy is good and faithful. yes, the reason could be because women prefer the type of guy the little wild so they can make them a little more challenged.

following reasons why guys like girls either lacking in:

1. too Conforming
This was told to want, was told it would, whatever was told to always want to. this does indeed prove that klo you reLinkady to sacrifice for someone you love, but if you're too meek ​​dignity as a man you will be lost and even impressed as their personal servants. and it is for most girls considered less thing shows the nature of a man. and remember the leaders of a man who always acted without prompting

2. Too involve themselves
mean heart want to alwLinkays look there when the people we love are in trouble, but instead considered too join other people's business. it happens naturally because if you had dared to get too deep in their life will feel uncomfortable with you.

3. too gentlemen
where the hell that girl could resist seduction of a gentlemen? but if too polite and impressed there is no "attack" anything. girl would think if you were only limited hospitable.

4. too Praise
Who does not want to be praised? but if his praise too often will feel redundant and seem like a hoax and gombalan only.

5. too sense
Whatever you do each always at capacity and that the requested apapum always obeyed. may initially girl will feel fine, but sooner or later they'll get bored and impressed no challenge.

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