Rabu, 25 Januari 2012

Baby Learn in Content

Baby Learn in Content - Learning can be done even as a baby was still inside the womb. As a parent, would like to close with the baby and train their children to grow well and be smart kids. Teaching a baby, even in the womb, can be done in a fun way. How do you teach a baby who was still in the womb for pregnant women?

Entering the second trimester, the baby can respond to her surroundings. They've been able to hear or to react by kicking or hitting the mother's stomach. So very good if you do the activities that can stimulate brain growth that will support the intelligence. A variety of learning activities and play that you can do with the fetus, for example:

Babies may begin to feel the touch from outside your body. Then you can show your affection by rubbing the abdomen. This jug amenjadi sign for the baby that you are invited to communicate.
Invite Talk
Tell your child about the activity you are doing today, asking the circumstances, blurting out a joke or tell a great view you are viewing can make you more familiar with your baby, feeling like you can influence its development. However, avoid telling the things that make you sad or angry because of sadness and anger makes the child is not growing well and not be a cheerful child.

Read a book of fairy tales will train responses. Choose the appropriate stories and read stories before bed. When read, use tone of voice and intonation are different so the story becomes more vivid. You can also set or ask the father who read the story so that the baby will know his father's voice and creates a bond with his father.
Listening to Music
Music can be soothing for the mother. For the fetus, he heard music that will stimulate brain growth. Enjoy music in a relaxed atmosphere for maximum results. The selected music is soothing music. Classical music used to be the most preferred music, even though any kind of music to choose from can give peace. If you or your husband can play a musical instrument, you can use the instrument to meperdengarkan voice. Interestingly, after birth, usually the baby will recognize the music or musical instruments that are commonly heard.

While accompanied by music or the hum, you can take your baby to dance. This activity is one way that the mother is more relaxed. Talk to your baby while dancing. To be more romantic, it can also perform these activities with your beloved husband. Do not forget to be careful in motion and no excessive movement in order not to fall or injury.

Perform such activities in portions that fit. 15 minutes is a measure of time is not excessive for both the mother and for the baby in the womb.

Playing with a baby in the womb, in addition to stimulating the growth of babies in the womb, also helps the mother to avoid stress and create a close relationship with the baby.

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