Jumat, 07 Oktober 2011

Emotions Also Need Didetox

Experience in successive lives. There is a fun, many are also deplorable because of a disaster. When not handled properly, a bad experience will be stored in the subconscious and life will continue to beset the trauma.
Sad, angry, vengeful, loss, and betrayed is an example of the negative emotions-emotions. When these emotions constantly repressed or hidden, it will cause many problems, one of these diseases. "If there is a disturbing feeling, it will also disrupt the physical condition," said Tom Suhalim, aura and healing. Tom even sure, 95 per cent of diseases caused by stress.
Now there are various ways to cope with the trauma, one of which with detoxification of emotions. Detoxification of emotions, according to Tom, is a method of disposal of stress from the body.
"Negative emotions are constantly pressed will be stored in the memory of our subconscious and clog up the flow of energy in the body. Because it had to be cleared, "he said on the sidelines of the event at the Festival of Healing Tirtayu Jakarta, some time ago.
The method of disposal "toxins" mental and emotional energy method is called with a motivator for therapy (EAT). "The discharge through the principles of hypnosis, acupuncture, energy healing, affirmations, palmistry, eye movement desensitisation response," said the man who practiced in the Pro-V Holistic Clinic Jakarta.
Therapy EAT basically affect the body's meridian system known in the science of acupuncture. With this therapy, aura body chakra system and will also be improved. The Aura of people who save problems are usually unbalanced.
A given method will EAT is tailored to the needs of the client. Long sebentarnya therapy sessions also depend on the weight of the problems encountered.

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