Rabu, 05 Oktober 2011

Bath Wheat Eliminate The Itch

The most common cause of itchy skin conditions are dry. Therefore moisturize the skin is key to control itchiness. One way to get the skin moist and reduce itching is by doing a shower of wheat.

Bath wheat done by wrapping the handful of wheat in a piece of cloth. Then the fabric is boiled like when cooked wheat. Then use the "sponge wheat" at this time beredam in a tub of warm water filled half a lukewarm.

The same effect can also be retrieved from a shower of kanji and soda. How, enter about a quarter kilogram of baking soda and half a kilogram of kanji to wash clothes in a tub of warm water that contains a lukewarm. Mix well and mandilah without the use of SOAP.

If the itchiness is still also arises, consult the doctor because of the itch can also be a sign of the disease. Itchiness can also occur due to the parasitic hookworm larvae that are penetrating the skin.

Emotional stress can also cause itchiness or improve, whatever the causes of such stress. This condition is called also with psychogenic itchiness.

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