Jumat, 26 Agustus 2011

Top Tips For A Stress Headache

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Top Tips For A Stress Headache - At the moment many of us have encountered people who experienced the headaches due to stress. A number of ways non-Medic can help ease the severity and frequency of such attacks. The first thing we can do is take a bath of warm water. A warm bath and rest might be that we need when the headaches of whack due to stress. Add salt crystals if available, the result will be more refreshing body back.

Second, doing a healthy lifestyle. Healthy lifestyle habits can help prevent data headache. The pattern of a healthy lifestyle includes eating well balanced nutrition, sleep regularly, and avoid excessive caffeine intake. Don't forget the tratur like the way sport, gymnastics, cycling and other sports.

Third, management of stress. One way to reduce stress is to do planning of mature and set the time wisely. Another way is to make time to relax. Doing exercises in breathing in (by pulling a long breath and throw it slowly).

Fourth, rileksasi muscles. Tense muscles often become the cause of the headache. Compress the muscles tense with warm water or ice according to taste. Wrap the ice in handung before the taped to the body. If the compress option so the warm water, using hot water bottle or towel warmer. We also get a massage to ease muscle tension.

The last is played with the likes of which we hold dear. Playing with the likes of which we hold dear will make us forget that we are a headache because of stress whack us. With close to one we hold dear will foster confidence in us and demonstrated to us that not only are we are stressed, but others have also experienced it.

Stress is a result of unhealthy lifestyle. Stress is not resolved and in good governance which will cause metabolism so durability we will decrease. Manage stress to live better.

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