Selasa, 20 Maret 2012

Treating Fever With Traditional Ways


Treating Fever With Traditional Ways - A fever is a condition when the body temperature exceeds 37 degrees Celsius, which is caused by disease or inflammation and cause the body temperature rises, the forehead was hot, a lot of sweat and sense of feeling ill.

Causes of Fever - Fever generally occurs due to infection by bacteria or viruses, or too much heat for the kids.

How to Overcome Fever - To overcome the fever, the following health tips blog give traditional medicine to treat fever, both in children and adults.

Traditional medicine Fever (To Drink)
  • Trunk Cardamom (30 grams)
  • Water (600cc)

Boil the stems of cardamom in 600 cc of water, until the remaining 300 cc, then strain and drink the potion while still warm.

Traditional medicine Fever (For Foreign Drugs)
  • Lime Fruit (1 piece)
  • Onions (3 pieces)
  • Coconut oil (1 tablespoon)
  • Salt (to taste)

Squeeze lime juice, then add the lemon juice with coconut oil and red onions that have been shredded (mashed). Use these herbs topically (compress).

Well, it is easy to make. It turned out that the ingredients are readily available kitchen we were able to treat fever. As in the previous post about How to Cope with Natural Medicine Headache.

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