Kamis, 22 Maret 2012

Tips to Treat Bedwetting Children Who Love

Tips to Treat Bedwetting Children Who Love - Wetting or urinating in bed is a thing that often occurs in children younger than 2 years. The causes include bladder capacity harena relatively smaller than the average, more likely to urine production (due to insufficient production of antidiuretic hormone).

To solve problems like bedwetting children, the following ingredients of the health tips blog:


  • Duwet seeds (jamblang) 7 items
  • 2 cups water
  • Brown sugar / palm sugar


Duwet milled seeds until smooth, then boiled with sugar until the water is just half. Drink this mixture 1 cup per day, around 5 pm until healed.

May the traditional medicine to overcome bedwetting in children over to be useful.

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