Rabu, 16 November 2011

Dietary Guidelines for Americans, My Way

Dietary Guidelines for Americans, My Way- I just saw this on BoingBoing. Oversimplified but sincere. This appearance was created by Mdma Fields.

The people who designing polity dietetic guidelines are gagged by the fact that view and business are so tightly intertwined in this state. Their advice module never flat train the capital source of blubber and metabolic dysfunction-- industrially vulcanized food-- because that would suffering corporate profits in one of the country's biggest system sectors. You can exclusive compressing so overmuch get out of a carrot, so nutrient engineers programme "value-added" ultrapalatable/rewarding foods with a large benefit profits.

We don't level individual the semipolitical leave to limit matter advertisements directed at unprotected children, which are systematically grooming them from an archaeozoic age to raise foods that are fattening and proinflammatory. This is supposedly out of a "unbound activity" ambience, but that justification is valley because cured matter manufacturers help from tax loopholes and prima governance subsidies, including programs supporting deform creation and the business of underprivileged citizens (see Presto Content People).

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