Kamis, 02 Februari 2012

Clean the face with the Right

Clean the face with the Right - Cleaning the face of one of the activities we have to do every day in order to have facial skin clean and healthy. Dirt on the face can clog pores. A dirty face can cause the face covered with acne or blackheads that can ruin the appearance. In order to clean your face, you need to know how effective cleansing.

Having a clean face in addition to beautify the appearance is also good for health. How to clean your face ?

Wash hands, so that the dirt on the palm of your hand can immediately disingkarkan. Dirty hands get dirty even make a face.
Wash your face using warm water. This helps make pores open so that dirt can be better spent. Then dry with a towel.

Use a facial cleanser and use a way to form a circular direction on the face. Let stand for a moment, about 1 minute, then dry with a small towel or tissue.
After cleaning the face is cleaned, use cold water to wash the face. The goal is that facial pores closed again.
The final step in cleaning is to use a facial toner. Cotton that has been moistened with toner and then a tap-tap on the face.

It was not difficult to clean the face. But sometimes feeling lazy that attack or a less effective way to clean the face is not perfect and eventually occupied pimples or blackheads. However, by taking a little time, you can find out cleansing techniques.

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