Senin, 12 September 2011


all about admin Rundomain, about admin, profile admin Rundomain, biografy admin Rundomain

Assalamua'laikum wr.wb

ALL ABOUT ADMIN RUNDOMAIN - Before her, I say thank you very much because you have deigned to visit my humble blog. Blogs that I created in 2010 to discuss various things. Starting from All about peyakit femininity, hymen, cancer, tutorials, info and specifications Gadgets, Stories (True Story, Fantasy, Horror, witty, etc.), computer programs, News, Profile Celebrity / famous people both nationally and internationally and is still much more. The whole article is original work itself (typed his own) and a source of information comes from the web, forums, your own experiences and the experiences of others.
Accidentally, I made a copy of the posting anti who I created. This post is intended to avoid piracy. So, all posts in this RUNDOMAIN only on this blog alone and no its clones elsewhere.

I am myself a student of Islamic Psychology at one of the Institude of Islam in Palembang. On the sidelines of the busyness of college, I took the time to write articles. Each student on my campus, has a penchant respectively. Some like to organize, there is a hobby nontn Korean dramas, and there is also love to write articles, for example, my own. Coming home from college, I take a break, disore day, then I write an article. There are various motivations of a blogger in posting the article, if I'm more towards information sharing. If GOD let it be a matter of sustenance is set.

It's not you, an introduction about this blog and now, Giiliran me as a blog owner who will introduce themselves.

Adi hidayat ... That's my name .. Born in the city's famous empek-empek, Palembang South Sumatra Province, Indonesia. The first child of three brothers ..
If it were a hobby, my hobby is clear of blogging ... For the sake of you who visited this blog, I am willing to write a post until the fingers sore. Like most people, I also do not really like the same thing as waiting ..

Ok, .. Enough introductory course his yach .. If you have questions about a post that I published, please ask me, gladly, I will answer the questions you ask, to the extent it can still be my responsibility. ..

So, .. Enjoy my post .. !

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