Vaginal Itching Knowing More About It The Definition - Vaginal itching or alternatively known as pruritus vulvae is the tingling irritation felt in the skin portion of the vagina and sometimes including its surrounding area or vulva. The itchiness can be uneasy making it impossible not to scratch the area affected.The CausesThere can be many causes why the vaginal area is irritated, among them are the following:1) The use of chemical irritants like laundry soap and fabric softeners, feminine wash and sprays, contraceptive foams, creams and jellies. 2) Low estrogen level causing the vaginal wall to thin and produce lesser lubrication in case of menopause. 3) Stress can make women susceptible and prone to infection causing vaginal irritation. 4) Vaginal yeast infection brought about by taking antibiotics, pregnancy, menstruation, sexual intercourse, contraceptives such as pills and condoms. The infection can also be secondary to diabetes or a weak immune system. 5) Vaginitis or the inflammation of the vagina, which eventually can have a foul-smelling discharge. This is manifested distinctively when women has a sexually transmitted disease. 6) Other skin conditions and parasitic infection mainly pinworms. The Remedy Vaginal itching can be treated at home, except when the irritation becomes severe and unmanageable where medical help must be considered. Knowing the cause of the itchiness can aid on how to manage the vaginal uneasiness. Home care is the best alternative to treat and prevent vaginal itching, such as:1) Avoiding too much use of feminine wash and douches and the use of perfumed or colored tissue paper. Washing the vaginal area with hypoallergenic or unscented soap is enough to keep the area clean. 2) Wet clothing and underwear should be changed right away. The use of cotton underwear instead of synthetic materials can help prevent irritation.
3) Proper cleansing technique after urinating and bowel movement. The direction of washing or wiping should be from the front (vagina) to the back (anus). In this manner, bacteria in the anus area can be prevented to get to the vaginal area. 4) Observing proper and healthy diet to avoid being overweight and getting diabetes is the best solution for an overall health care. Eating yogurt regularly can also be helpful.Seeking Medical HelpAlthough initial home care can help prevent further vaginal itching, emphasis should be made on when would be the right time to get medical assistance. If despite effort in treating vaginal itching in homes, no improvement is seen or the itchiness becomes worse, then it is time to call the doctor. Some of the signs that would show the need of a medical professional include:1) Increase appetite or thirst 2) Weight loss 3) Frequent urination with a burning sensation 4) Fatigue 5) Lower abdominal pain 6) Fever 7) Swelling and blisters in the vaginal area 8) Vaginal bleeding and unusual dischargeIf going to the doctor is the ultimate remedy to be relieved from vaginal itching, then you should be able to give the basic information in order to be diagnosed correctly and to be given the right medication. Typical examination would include vaginal discharge culture, Pap’s smear, biopsies and urine and blood studies.